How can we assist you?
Knowledge and experience are enriched and become meaningful when they are shared. SME, Conglomerate or Proprietorship, does not matter at which scale, size you are, there are several areas that we can assist you as DBS-C.
Come on, let us make that great leap together with our broad added value service range and with our experienced professionals...
We are assisting you with an experienced team that is specialized within the critical subjects of business management.
Always working with a full mindset to achieve the best within any entangled and challenging situation.
We embrace your organization and find solutions, work with outmost commitment, as if it were ours.
Regardless of the scale and size of your organization, it is our prominent principle to supply you with a customized, tailored and best fit service, instead of template documents and tools.
We always adhere to the DBS (Define, Believe, Solve) philosophy while working on any subject. First we define the problem, believe that we will accomplish the best and start to solve any problem.
We conduct detailed analysis on firms and occurring problems until they are 360 degrees illuminated and strengthen our solution in the light of such indications.
Among the experience and honors of our team members:
are some of the unique and own-designed specifications that DBS-C group is eager to use while supplying a tailored, customized, best-fit services to any volume or sized organizations within any industry.
The TP Report, which is consisting of your organization’s related party transactions, detailed analysis of your business characteristics and which is supported with concrete, comparable data, is the only document that can protect your company and that must be presented to the Tax Office during an inspection. As the first and award-winning TP Group, we are preparing this critical and valuable report on behalf of you. Also, to take the right and wise steps about TP subjects throughout the year, we proactively provide consultancy services to your company.
In a global market, where technology and knowledge are accessible by every member of the community, to achieve a place beyond your competitors, the role of a wide range value added supply chain that is built on solid grounds is immense. As DBS-C Group, with our experienced, qualified professionals we supply, assist you with general and subject based consultancy and training services.
Sales-Marketing, the first rim to reach out your customers, is the outmost important subject for corporations to sustain its presence in the market. A seamless sales-marketing program will place you beyond your competitors, in an environment where the customer is greatly bombarded every day by exterior influencers and communication showers. The qualified professionals within the DBS-C Group can assist you and your organization on every stage of sales-marketing and supply you with consultancy, training services for various related subjects.
When the global market is examined, it is apparent that big conglomerates and organizations that have been present within the market for decades have something in common: a solid quality and corporate culture. Quality Management is the key to achieve a sustainable growth. DBS-C Group, hosting valuable KalDer (Turkish Quality Association) trainers and inspectors within its organization, can assist you in the fields of Total Quality Management, Institutionalization consultancy and training.
In an environment where the knowledge, data is rapidly changing and renewed, adapting to the new flow, catching up with the new information are the keys to renew yourself and to reach out your career aims. Thus, as DBS-C we are assisting your personal development as a guide and presenting you with various educational, training activities open for general public attendance.
As a corporation you will always need well qualified, knowledgeable working force, to achieve your corporate objectives, to establish value adding business functions and to realize various intracompany projects. Corporate culture, the level of your working force’s qualification and education are some of the pillars of your Human Capital. As DBS-C Group, we conduct the needed intracompany trainings with our experienced business trainers, figure out the required training areas and assist you to get the most out of these trainings and to transform it to business results.