Management Consultancy

Let’s Accomplish your Corporate Vision Together...

- Even though you can be able to spot the delta points, imperfections; it is vital to have an objective, professional companion, a trustworthy guide, to achieve your goals.
- It is not necessary for you to invent everything on your own… It is wise, time and cost efficient for you to professionally adapt, modify the models of other successful applications within the sector.
- Within this sequence, as DBS-C we are always beside you and ready to share our experience and knowledge

Transfer Pricing Consultancy

Transfer Pricing?

- According to the OECD and Turkish Tax Regulations, if you have Related Party / Person Transactions, you have a Legal Obligation to fulfill mandatory Transfer Pricing Requirements.
- You can fulfill these mandatory requirements in an easier and more reliable way with the assistance of the first and outmost experienced Transfer Pricing Group of Turkey, which has been serving since 2008 and has been honored with several rewards in Europe.
- Please do not hesitate to contact us about Transfer Pricing and let us create the best possible solution together…

Training Consultancy


- The first steps for progress and change pass through education and corporate adaptation to the modern trends and applications.
- Your Human Capital, which consists of your corporate culture and employees, is your main leverage point and competitive advantage.
- Let us pay a visit and see how we can share our knowledge, experience in the fields of Corporate Tailored, Customized Trainings and Company Educational Planning ...

Our Difference as DBS-C

Knowledge and experience are enriched and become meaningful when they are shared. SME, Conglomerate or Proprietorship, does not matter at which scale, size you are, there are several areas that we can assist you as DBS-C.

Come on, let us make that great leap together with our broad added value service range and with our experienced professionals...


Qualified and Experienced Team:

We are assisting you with an experienced team that is specialized within the critical subjects of business management.

Always Aim for the Best:

Always working with a full mindset to achieve the best within any entangled and challenging situation.

Outmost Commitment:

We embrace your organization and find solutions, work with outmost commitment, as if it were ours.

Customized, Tailored and Best-Fit Service:

Regardless of the scale and size of your organization, it is our prominent principle to supply you with a customized, tailored and best fit service, instead of template documents and tools.

DBS Business Philosophy

We always adhere to the DBS (Define, Believe, Solve) philosophy while working on any subject. First we define the problem, believe that we will accomplish the best and start to solve any problem.


Helios 360 Technique:

We conduct detailed analysis on firms and occurring problems until they are 360 degrees illuminated and strengthen our solution in the light of such indications.

DBS-C Group:

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Decades of experience, a team of well qualified professionals gathered for a single purpose: to supply Customized, Tailored and Best Fit Service for you.

Among the experience and honors of our team members:

  • Managerial experience for more than 25 years in a global corporation like Nortel Networks
  • Management Consultancy that is conducted successfully for more than 10 years
  • To build up a company within the LED luminaire industry, forming up its international supply chain and sales network and creating one of the best brands within the industry: DORLED
  • Participating in several sectorial summits as the lead speakers and as panelists throughout Turkey and Europe
  • Educating, training hundreds of working professionals and several corporations at corporate customized or public training sequences
  • At the field of Transfer Pricing, serving to more than 100 corporations for 10 years since the first day of the acceptance of the TP regulation, are some of the examples.

Starting with EUROMONEY’s 2009 BEST TRANSFER PRICING TEAM OF TURKEY AWARD, DBS-C Group, which hosts the first Transfer Pricing Team of Turkey, gained various honors, awards and appreciations in the lateral years.

  • DBS Business Philosophy
  • Organizational Check-Up Tools
  • Added Value and Competitiveness Analysis
  • Helios 360 Technique

are some of the unique and own-designed specifications that DBS-C group is eager to use while supplying a tailored, customized, best-fit services to any volume or sized organizations within any industry.

Our Services

Below are some of the subjects, areas that we can assist you, as DBS-C Group:

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Transfer Pricing (TP) Report & Consultancy

The TP Report, which is consisting of your organization’s related party transactions, detailed analysis of your business characteristics and which is supported with concrete, comparable data, is the only document that can protect your company and that must be presented to the Tax Office during an inspection. As the first and award-winning TP Group, we are preparing this critical and valuable report on behalf of you. Also, to take the right and wise steps about TP subjects throughout the year, we proactively provide consultancy services to your company.

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Supply Chain Management:

In a global market, where technology and knowledge are accessible by every member of the community, to achieve a place beyond your competitors, the role of a wide range value added supply chain that is built on solid grounds is immense. As DBS-C Group, with our experienced, qualified professionals we supply, assist you with general and subject based consultancy and training services.

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Sales - Marketing Management:

Sales-Marketing, the first rim to reach out your customers, is the outmost important subject for corporations to sustain its presence in the market. A seamless sales-marketing program will place you beyond your competitors, in an environment where the customer is greatly bombarded every day by exterior influencers and communication showers. The qualified professionals within the DBS-C Group can assist you and your organization on every stage of sales-marketing and supply you with consultancy, training services for various related subjects.

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Quality Management:

When the global market is examined, it is apparent that big conglomerates and organizations that have been present within the market for decades have something in common: a solid quality and corporate culture. Quality Management is the key to achieve a sustainable growth. DBS-C Group, hosting valuable KalDer (Turkish Quality Association) trainers and inspectors within its organization, can assist you in the fields of Total Quality Management, Institutionalization consultancy and training.

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Personal Training Consultancy:

In an environment where the knowledge, data is rapidly changing and renewed, adapting to the new flow, catching up with the new information are the keys to renew yourself and to reach out your career aims. Thus, as DBS-C we are assisting your personal development as a guide and presenting you with various educational, training activities open for general public attendance.

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Corporate Training Consultancy:

As a corporation you will always need well qualified, knowledgeable working force, to achieve your corporate objectives, to establish value adding business functions and to realize various intracompany projects. Corporate culture, the level of your working force’s qualification and education are some of the pillars of your Human Capital. As DBS-C Group, we conduct the needed intracompany trainings with our experienced business trainers, figure out the required training areas and assist you to get the most out of these trainings and to transform it to business results.


The most important asset of the organizations is their Human Capital. The development and improvement of the Human Capital is an apparent obligation. However, the Business Processes that exist within the organization are mostly performed by teams. While a member of the team, a piece of the whole chain, is being trained, the process itself and the other rings should not be dismissed or neglected. This is one of the critical reasons why we recommend CUSTOMIZED CORPORATE TRAININGS instead of General Participation Trainings for individuals.
Exactly, it is true. The information, knowledge that is gained stabilizes within the consciousness, only if they are re-used after the training process and used in everyday practice. As DBS Consultancy, we carry out pre- and post-workings to ensure that our training is productive and efficient, we carefully select the team to be trained, at the last stage we trace the accumulated development of the team after the training and we report the results/outcome of the application to the managerial staff.
Reasonably, within the trainings that are open to general participations, the examples and the outline of the training is structured to appeal several industries and various attendees with different backgrounds. For having a more tailored and customized training focusing on specific topics, Customized Corporate Trainings should be preferred, where the training will be totally prepared for that specific organization and according to its delta points.
Of course, there are several valuable organizations present within the educational consultancy industry. However, as DBS Consultancy, our primary differentiator is that we are preparing customized, tailored trainings that are totally UNIQUE to the CUSTOMER. Some of these unique, effective and long-lasting factors are the following:
Observations within the company prior to the training, getting, gathering the relevant information/data directly from the related units, assisting to determine strategically the right attendants to the trainings, selecting company-specific examples and topics (especially for “workshop” type of trainings), creating a "To Do List" (a road map for development) for the managerial team after every training. Overall, to supply a service in this scope, we use the Helios 360 technique which is uniquely developed by DBS-C Group.

Do you have any questions?